Start BiG in Your Community

BiG in a Box

Welcome to BiG in a Box—a heartfelt franchise model that's all about making a difference. Rooted in our God-centered vocational community, we offer meaningful work and respect for adults with functional disabilities. You can own a piece of this mission, with all intellectual property and branding included. Join us in spreading kindness and creating a positive impact together.

Big Startup Screening

BiG Startup Application

Non-Negotiables for BiG Replication Sites:

While we believe in freedom within the framework, there are 5 Non-Negotiables that are integral to operating and maintaining the culture of BiG.

  • Affirm every day that adults with special needs are made in the image of God and have a gift to contribute to the world.

  • Operate within a vocational community, providing meaningful work for adults with special needs.

  • Commit to changing the way the world sees adults with special needs by setting a standard of excellence in the “way and the what” you produce.

  • Incorporate the Core Values that set BiG apart and strive to exemplify them to those you serve, to those you work alongside, and to those who support your mission.

    • Grace

    • Opportunity

    • Dignity

    • Respect

    • Interdependence

    • Continual Improvement

    • Honesty

  • Hold Jesus Christ and a heart for the gospel as the center of the organization. 

Our Current Replication Partners


Our Current Replication Partners